item2Richard trained at Leeds College of Art 1949-1953. National Service in the Royal Navy was followed by a ten-year period working in advertising as an art director.

In1966 he established Richard Downer Limited working as a design consultant and illustrator for 40 years. He designed the BT telephone directories throughout the UK and illustrated them between 1967 - 1985. A Fellow of the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers and Fellow and past President of the Society of Typographic Designers. A comprehensive exhibition of his work was held at Leeds College of Art 2010.

"My interest and fascination for the London skyline started during my early years in advertising in 1957, viewing the rooftops of London from the buildings where I worked. Over the years the scale, detail and panoramic scope of the drawings increased to that of the 360 panoramic drawing from the (Post Office) BT Tower (1970 – 1973). During this period Drawing Buildings was published by Studio Vista. (1962, 1967)."